Scientists looked specifically at the issues of gender relations in the premarital period the evolution of society, bitterly state the fact that for 3 - 5 million years, women and girls are actually making a living as prostitutes. Other way to make a living for women of the primitive society was not simple. It's ours, civilized time, a woman can earn money and buy everything you need, working teacher, a teacher, a doctor, a laboratory or in another specialty. In primitive communal society the need for such female professions did not exist. In women, primitive society was only one profession - prostitution.
Consequently, all the women of primitive society actually were prostitutes because they provide sexual services for payment in kind (for food and clothing) to all comers its men. If a woman wants to spend the night the old man - no problem! Let the bear carcass boar and makes with a beautiful woman he wants. Man fully "buys" beautiful at night, so he has every right to her as it sees fit. Sexual intercourse was carried out only in the women's barracks, as if to send a woman at night in a man's dugout, then it is required to hold intercourse another 5 - 10 men, and what is most offensive to all women of the tribe - free of charge.

This does not included the "plans" of the female half of the tribe. But here's the night passed, and the time of pleasure in men ended. He should voluntarily leave the female barracks, otherwise his power kicked out of the room a woman, and they will help to keep the tradition of the men of his own tribe. If a man wants to "dip in love" even for one day, then again have to "pay". For women, this primitive was a hard time to survive with the help of an all-out prostitution. In the Stone Age prostitution was not debauchery, not pleasure, and work, the standard of behavior for every woman. Women were prostitutes for 5 million years.

Only in the last 10 thousand years was not pharmacy, when there were marital relationships, women can not deal with so ungrateful activity such as prostitution, as concern for the material well-being of women took over their husbands. Women should be grateful to positive evolutionary changes in modern society, which gave them the freedom of choice of sexual partner and a happy life with his family.

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